
how might we aid legal advocates to prepare asylum seekers for their credible fear interviews at the southern border?

how might the sound system that plays music in a cafe improvise the song selection based on the mood of the people in the room?

how might a music streaming service visualize and present their content to inspire, amaze, and support the habits of passionate music fans?

what do experts in the field of design say about its future, and what skills are needed to handle the impending design challenges?

how might an underused parking lot of Boston Public Schools unite a community around health and nutrition?

how might we design a training event for police officers to discuss community relationships and race?

how might might we create opportunities for new gestures during a guests experience of a wedding to increase their engagement with the ceremony?

how might the smartphone become a tool that encourages users to have meaningful interactions with their close friends and family?

how might one's smartphone encourage users to stop scrolling through social media when they've lost track of time?

how do people engage in the everyday practice of listening to music at the phenomenological level?

how might the interior design of a train-car choreograph social interaction?

how might I declutter my experience of leaving my house?

how might I watch a movie in the dark with enough visibility to see my dinner?

what is it like to engage in the social practice of learning Spanish in 2019 in New England?

how might I find a way to be creative and expressive through a cappella music?